Monday, October 17, 2011

-- Destination Unknown...

My mom and dad have been spending a lot of time on the Internet, scoping out a new place for us to live. Geez, just when I was starting to dig San Diego.  They're looking at houses somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

After a long ride from San Diego to Los Angeles, they met Tristin, my big brother's girlfriend, at a restaurant.  Then they kissed me on the head and walked away.  They called it "the hand-off."

What's up with that?

Nooooo... Don't leave me...

I stayed a few days with Tristin.  We take lots of photos together and then she emails them to my mom (cuz my mom is sad when we're apart).

Tristin likes when I stay with her.  She misses my brother while he's away in Iraq.  So I have to step in and give her the love and support to keep her going til my bro gets home.  Yeah, I know what you're thinking.  I'm just that kind of lovable guy.
I can't help being so irresistable.

I love staying at Tristin's house, even though she makes me play "dress up" with her.

Oh geez, don't show this photo to anyone, okay?

Until my big brother gets home, I guess 'll have to keep on playing this charade, just to keep Tristin happy.

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